Compare files from one directory to another

Find all files in one directory using bash/terminal:

find . -type f

Export file list to a csv file: find . -type f > list.csv

Run R script from command line

The below command line prompt runs the R script and creates a log file: R --vanilla < File_Name.R > File_Name.Rlog

Convert word file to latex with “Pandoc”

  • Install pandoc from here
  • Open command prompt
  • cd to working directory of word file
  • Type: “file.docx -f docx -t latex -s -o newfile.tex”

Create BibTex file

You have a plain-text bibliography (it wasn’t generated using any type of tool)

Use AnyStyle.

  1. Paste your citations into the textarea. Make sure each reference starts on a new line and remove any superfluous line breaks.
  2. Click the parse button and AnyStyle will split the references into segments. If any section is labelled incorrectly, you can select it (use the Shift and Ctrl/Command to make multiple selections or double-click to select an entire segment at once). Then use the Assign Label button to assign the correct label.
  3. Save it as BibTeX.

Stata Programming

aearep-2215 excellent stata programming.



  • This should replace the path “/Users/lars/” with “$rootdir/” in every .do file.
  • The “s” is the substitute command of sed for find and replace.
  • The “+” is the delimiter for breaking up the ‘old’ and ‘new’ statements.
  • For any \ that need to be changed, you’ll need to replace with \\.

sed -i 's+/Users/lars/+$rootdir/+g' *do

  • bash command to change all back slashes to forward slashes in all .do files: sed -i 's+\\+/+g' *do

grep Look through any .do files for a dataset name “mydata” by typing the following into the bash shell: grep mydata */*.do

find Get a file count in the “folder” directory find folder/ -type f | wc -l