Exit Checklist

Graduated Students

  • Remove from LDI-Lab mailing list.
  • In Jira, transition the “Placeholder” ticket to “Done.”
  • Remove from Jira (log in as “dataeditor@aeapubs.org” > under Settings, “User Management” > find RA and under Actions, “Show details” > Click on “…” and “Remove User”)
  • Remove from Bitbucket (aeaverification workspace > People > Manage Users > User Directory > find RA, and “Remove”).
  • Remove from calendar invites (Monday and Thursday meetings).
  • Update Replication Project Resumes sheet.
  • Request removal of admin access from OpenICPSR (for submitters only).
  • Lars remove LastPass share of ScholarOne password (for submitters only).

Mid-Year Departure

  • Lars to send email notifying the RA of termination.
  • Remove from LDI-Lab mailing list.
  • In Jira, transition the “Placeholder” ticket to “Done.”
  • Remove from Jira (log in as “dataeditor@aeapubs.org” > People > Manage Users > Total Users > Click on the RA > “Remove user”).
  • Remove from Bitbucket (aeaverification workspace > Workspace settings > Users on plan > Then remove access).
  • Remove from calendar invites (Monday and Thursday meetings).
  • Update Replication Project Resumes sheet.
  • Email ilr_student_empl@cornell.edu (cc Lars) to inform HR that the student is being terminated.
  • Email ciser@cornell.edu to request that their account be disabled. (may no longer be applicable with CCSS Cloud)
  • Request removal of admin access from OpenICPSR (for submitters only).
  • Lars remove LastPass share of ScholarOne password (for submitters only).

Email template:

Dear [RA],

I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that your  availability and the needs of the LDI Replication Lab are not well aligned. As of immediately, I am ending your relationship with the LDI Project.

[Ilanith] will be processing the exit procedures.

I thank you for your efforts, and wish you well in your future endeavors.

