
Note that these are mostly just the email templates. If further instructions exist, they will be linked.

Table of contents



  • Fall: Post mid-July and train mid to late August
  • Spring: Post mid-November and train mid January
  • Summer: Post mid-March and train late April

Note: In the Replication Project Resumes Live sheet, the names highlighted in yellow are people we may or definitely will want to rehire (some leave for the summer or something). Double check with Lars if we want to reach out to them for re-hire.

Reaching out to previous RAs

  1. Lars, Research Aide meet to discuss whom to re-invite.
  2. Research Aide prepares new linkage from form.
  3. Lars sends out email with link to “Planning Form” (Fall, Summer, Spring, as appropriate)

Training schedule

Lars, Research Aide, and GRA meet and discuss a training date. Research Aide then updates the Github Page for the website.

Post the job:

  1. Hiring Google Form is here. Update the form so that the responses go to a new sheet in the “Replication Project Resumes” file.
  2. Email ILR Student Employment (ilr_student_empl@cornell.edu) the filled out Student Employment Intake Form here for the position to be posted on the Student Job Board. Once you’ve determined who you wish to hire, email ILR Student Employment the names, start date, and pay rate at which you would like the students to be hired at. Student Employment will then handle the official hiring process and notify you once the students can begin working.
  3. Update the job posting on the LDI website. Contact the TBD person responsible for making edits, to make edits to website. Tell her the edits to make:
  • Starting wage is $[Level II wage] per hour
  • Training will take place on [Date] in person
  • How to Apply:
    • Log in to Workday via http://studentemployment.cornell.edu/jobs/student-job-and-intern-service and search for job listing WDR-[UPDATED NUMBER]. (The text can be seen without logging in, but you must be logged in to apply.)
    • [UPDATED WORKDAY LINK] (if necessary)
    • “Additionally, you must complete the form here, https://forms.gle/xtXTCdDgTsnZRvuD6, to be considered.”

    • Copy from previous posting, adjust title and ensure URL reads correctly
    • Link to Workday posting and to Google Form may need to be added (see below why they do not carry over)

Disseminate availability of position:

  • Econ: Brook Musmacker (Economics Undergraduate Experience Coordinator, economics-uec@cornell.edu) and ask that she include it in the next Ezranomics newsletter as well as any faster dissemination. The job is already featured on the research opportunities page - verify that it is still accurate
  • Brooks School (aka PAM) (brooksstudentbulletin@cornell.edu) This email goes to students directly
  • Dyson: Gretchen C. Gilbert (Registrar and Student Support Specialist) gcg4@cornell.edu
  • Statistics: (ugrad@stat.cornell.edu) This email goes to students directly
  • CIS: Julia Aquadro (Assistant Director of Undergraduate Advising) jra269@cornell.edu

  • If the person you emailed no longer works for that department, google their former title and find the new person in that position

Email template to staff:

Subject: LDI is Hiring Undergraduates for [Semester] 2024

​<blockquote>​ Hello,

We are looking to spread the word about our hiring of RAs this coming [semester]. Could you please share this with your students? Thank you so much

The Labor Dynamics Institute is looking for 10 RAs to hire for [semester] 2024

To learn more: https://www.ilr.cornell.edu/labor-dynamics-institute/ldi-news/join-ldis-replication-lab

To apply:

Apply via Workday: Job Requisition ID WDR-0000000

And fill out the required google form: https://forms.gle/fP24wBvJ8VLdgkZX6


Email template to student listserv:

Subject: LDI is Hiring Undergraduates for [Semester] 2024


The Labor Dynamics Institute is looking for 10 RAs to hire for [semester] 2024

To learn more: https://www.ilr.cornell.edu/labor-dynamics-institute/ldi-news/join-ldis-replication-lab

To apply:

Apply via Workday: Job Requisition ID WDR-0000000

And fill out the required google form: https://forms.gle/fP24wBvJ8VLdgkZX6



Lars, the Research Aide, and Graduate Assistant then review applicants and then meet to discuss final decisions. Once final decisions are made, the following steps are taken to prepare for training the new cohort of Undergraduate Research Assistants.

  1. Send out rejection email. bcc all candidates who were not selected with the following (make sure to update the next upcoming application cycle):
Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your application to the LDI Replication Lab. We received a lot of applications from talented folks like you. Unfortunately, you were not selected at this time. 

However, our project will be hiring again in the Summer, and we invite you to consult our job posting at that time. We will be posting any updates on the LDI home page at http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/labor-dynamics-institute. 

Although we cannot provide detailed feedback on your application, one of the frequent reasons that students like you are not selected is that we explicitly search for experience with desktop-style statistical programming languages, in particular with Stata or Matlab. If you have not used these before, but are interested in brushing up your skillset, CCSS Research Computing offers free training to Cornell students in all of these. Regardless if you intend to re-apply in the Summer or for your own self-improvement for the job market, we strongly suggest taking one of these. 

Again, thank you for your interest, and please stay in contact.
  1. Send out hire notification to selected applicants:

Subject: [RESPONSE REQUIRED] You've Been Selected for LDI's Replication Project


Thank you for applying to the AEA Replication Project. 

We have reviewed your application, and have identified you as a qualified candidate. We would like have you join us for the training, during which we will present the task at hand, train you in using the tools and procedures you will need, and walk you through an actual replication task. 

**Training will take place in-person on Wednesday January 17th**, and virtually January 18-23rd. Live attendance should be expected on Wednesday and additional meetings will happen on the following days using Zoom, plus some significant self-paced work. Schedule found [here](https://labordynamicsinstitute.github.io/replicability-training/).

We must note that this is not a confirmation of employment. During the training, HR will be checking your eligibility for employment, which includes being a current Cornell student and residing in the United States; an [I-9](https://www.uscis.gov/i-9-central/form-i-9-acceptable-documents) may be needed.

**Please let us know if you are still interested in the position by (deadline).**

Thank you,

Close position

  • Close Workday posting
  • Stop accepting submissions on Google Form
  • Accept new RAs on Workday
  • Leave LDI page up, but remove link to Google Form

Next Steps

DON’T FORGET: Next step is to prepare the training.