Disclosures and Thanks
We thank the Cornell Economics Department and the ILR School at Cornell for providing us with computing resources at the Cornell Center for Social Sciences and the Bioinformatics cluster. We also benefited from a grant of Azure Cloud Computing credits, provided by Microsoft Corporation via Cornell’s Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society. We also benefit from free evaluations of manuscripts on our behalf by cascad.
We also regularly receive computational support from authors’ home institutions. Consult our latest report for the most recent acknowledgements.
We received a generous compute and storage quota from Codeocean, a free license to use Stata 18 for one year in cloud applications from Stata. We also benefit from Github’s academic program for code and other materials hosted at https://github.com/AEADataEditor/. None of the sponsors have had influence on any of the conclusions we draw. Many of these resources are also free to other academic researchers.