The AEA Data Editor provides a variety of textual and technical resources to further the goals of transparency, reproducibility and future replicability of AEA publications.

Image: Ilham Fitrotul Hayat from the Noun Project


Informative posts and talks by the AEA Data Editor.

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Data citations

Data citations can be tricky. Find guidance by Social Science Data Editors

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Image: Ilham Fitrotul Hayat from the Noun Project

Technical tools

Data, code, containers, templates, for and by the Data Editor.

Data resources

The AEA Data Editor team sometimes makes general-purpose preservation archives available for re-use by the (economics) community. Find some at the AEA Data and Code Repository and at the auxiliary repository at Zenodo.


Code resources

Much useful code - for researchers starting new projects, or those just about to submit - can be found on the AEA Data Editor Github. We keep our own code there, including the evaluation template.

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Compute containers

Compute containers - docker, singularity - are useful and being used by the Data Editor. Find pre-compiled containers at dataeditors Docker Hub, project-specific containers at aeadataeditor Docker Hub, and at library

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