Training on reproducible methods in empirical economics

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Presentation at Department of Economics/NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway


Session 1: “Reproducibility from Day 1”

Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, efficient reproducibility starts at the beginning of the research project. Following some best practices from day 1 can not only help you prepare a replication package later, but also make you a more productive researcher. In this workshop, we start with an empty folder and finish with a mini-project about public procurement across various European countries, ready for submission to a journal. Together we discuss and document all the choices we make about data collection and analysis, in a way that can help future readers of our research. For advanced topics, see

Session 2: “Advanced methods for self-verification of reproducibility”

In this second session, data editors describe a few possible steps to self-check replication packages before submitting them to a journal. It is not meant to be exhaustive, and it is not meant to be prescriptive. There are many ways to construct a replication package, and many more to check that it works. Questions from the audience are encouraged. Participants are encouraged to also attend.

To register, see

Funded by Department of Economics/NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Day before the EALE 2024 conference. The event invites young researchers including PhD students and Post-Docs, and everybody interested is welcome to participate. We particularly invite participants of EALE to attend the event before the start of the conference.