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AEA Data Editor
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The AEA Data Editor provides a variety of textual and technical resources to further the goals of transparency, reproducibility and future replicability of A...
The AEA Data Editor defines and monitors the AEA journals’ approach to data and reproducibility.
I sometimes see researchers doing much copy-pasting between output from Stata/R/MATLAB and Excel, to create tables. This is a lot of work, the source of many...
The AEA Data and Code Availability Policy asks that authors provide access to all data used in a published paper. But it also acknowledges that there are cas...
We often see researchers handle variants of their analysis by copying and pasting code, or by copying code files into separate directories, and making only m...
Many researchers are confused by the difference between “use” and “(re-)distribution” of data. In a nutshell, just because you are able to freely use the dat...
In the AMAs (see past and future AMAs), we talked about many things. No transcript, but here’s a raw dump of the various websites that were used.
The annual American Economic Journal (AEJ) Best Paper Awards highlight the best paper published in each of the American Economic Journals: Applied Economics,...
I have been asked a few times about guidance for replication packages that use confidential data in research data centers, e.g., the Federal Statistical Res...
I was recently forwarded a question from a data librarian discussion list, and invited to respond to the question of “example language” for a data access des...
Toni Whited (EIC of Journal of Financial Economics) had the following question on the ex-bird site: Econ and finance journals are getting their acts toge...
THIS HAS BEEN RESOLVED. Please deposit as usual! The AEA uses the openICPSR repository for the deposit and dissemination of replication packages. On Sun...
I have previously posted about how to update a replication package, after initial publication. We do get more than a dozen such updates a year (see my annual...
I wanted to briefly discuss the challenges when conducting data provenance and reproducibility checks, for complex and highly interesting articles, with the ...
After our recent discussion about the oldest AEA replication package, I navigated over to the really old archive at the Journal of Applied Econometrics. Surp...
We were recently discussing among data editors what the oldest replication package (in Econ and Political Science) might be.
On 2022-12-15, various data editors, including myself, launched the Data and Code Availability Standard (DCAS). In this post, I will do a self-assessment o...
The data editors of the journals of the American Economic Association1, of the Royal Economic Society2, the Review of Economic Studies, the Canadian Journa...
The template README required by various econ journals asks for a statement about the rights to RE-distribute data. Many economists are confused by this: “But...
The AEA Data and Code Availability does not just require that authors publish a replication package - it also encourages authors to improve upon the replicat...
Back in the fall, I made a few notes regarding how to prepare replication packages when data are confidential (here). What I did not address, and what comes ...
In reproducibility verification, a common scenario is the author response “but-it-works-on-my-machine”. Finding common environments is important in such situ...
On a tangent: we get this question regularly - how to prepare replication packages for papers that used confidential data (here: by statistical agencies). A ...
I wanted to highlight a particular interesting article in the latest AEJ: Microeconomics from the perspective of replicability and reproducibility.
A short thread on software, code, versioning, citation, and repositories. Only very few AEA articles reference Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket repositories. More sho...
A short thread (PSA) on a FOC (frequently occurring problem) that shouldn’t be one: file paths in statistical software.
What do we mean by “data”?
A note on reproducible GIS by economists: it’s mostly absent. Here are some tips.
I wanted to illustrate the range of the various topics that a Data Editor might face, by taking a fairly random day (2021-01-29) and listing all the various ...
In this post, I’ll pick up questions that have been asked over Twitter or during the 2021-01-19 Fireside chat, in long form (Twitter is not always the best m...
Moved to later post.
We have released the first version of a template README for social sciences at
I wanted to highlight a recently (2020-04-30) published article in the AEJ:Economic Policy as an example of reproducibility checking when data is restricted-...
This site does not provide legal guidance. The information below is provided for discussion and as a suggestion only. Authors should consult with a qualif...
save “LICENSE.txt” as part of your deposit modify the COPYRIGHT line. Modified BSD License ( - applies t...
Every time we see that a lot of effort went into creating a data resource, we don’t want to have that sit hidden in a replication package. We want to give da...
THIS GUIDE IS OUTDATED, AND SHOULD NOT BE FOLLOWED. IT IS KEPT FOR HISTORICAL REASONS. This guide describes how to create a restricted-access data depos...
The original guide on how to deposit restricted-access data on openICPSR is available here. DO NOT USE THOSE INSTRUCTIONS, AS THEY ARE NO LONGER ACCURATE....
DataLumos is an ICPSR archive for crowd-sourced deposits of government data resources. This tutorial shows how to create a deposit at DataLumos. You should r...
Tutorial For a video tutorial on this process, see this Youtube video. If you are depositing at a different trusted repository, please be sure that your...
… although some are not frequently asked, but might nevertheless be useful. Below questions and answers in random order. Please be sure to check out the offi...
The code and data that have been archived should be reproducible and replicable. How do we test that? Generic guidance Generic guidance is provided at the ...
In certain cases, you may be able to share data you obtained from somebody (“data provider”) with the AEA Data Editor for the purpose of conducting reproduci...
You may have found an issue in a published article related to some of the computations therein, and are preparing a comment. This note describes how you shou...
In certain situations, authors might want to provide access to others (co-authors, persons interested in the replication package) prior to publication of the...
The AEA accepts replication packages from any trusted repository (see list), as long as they meet certain display criteria, and otherwise satisfy the reprodu...
The following steps outline what you should expect after conditional a...
What to expect next The next steps happen behin...
This document describes how to best prepare a replication package for an AEA journal. Much of the guidance here is not specific to our journals - the documen...
Much of the preparation for the replication packages for papers published in Papers and Proceedings is the same as for the AEA journals, see Step 1 and Step ...
Since July 16, 2019, the American Economic Association has used the AEA Data and Code Repository as the default archive for its supplements. The AEA also an...
Improvement of metadata on migrated packages, those deposited before July 2019. see additional info if you received a request to contribute migration i...
Together with other economics data editors, we developed a standardized README The README was updated with a newe...
Initiated by one of our student replicators (Lydia Reiner), this project aims to run a static code analysis on replication packages, identifying Stata packag...
Project completed. The AEA Data Editor is happy to announce a pilot project for an internship with the AEA Data Editor. The collaborating institutions a...
The AEA Data Editor is happy to announce an internship with the AEA Data Editor. The collaborating institutions are Cornell University (AEA Data Editor), We...
Emails sent Authors of articles may have received the following email:
Emails sent Members of the Association who are willing to receive occasional surveys about economics and economists received the following email from the AE...
Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of replicability (or lack the...
(together with cascad) Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of rep...
(together with cascad) Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of rep...
Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of replicability (or lack the...
(with BITSS) Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of replicability...
(together with BITSS) Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of repl...
Abstract Description: Reproducibility and replicability are critical elements of credible scientific research. Data provenance is an important, but often ne...
Abstract Description: Reproducibility and replicability are critical elements of credible scientific research. Data provenance is an important, but often ne...
Abstract Description: Reproducibility and replicability are critical elements of credible scientific research. Data provenance is an important, but often ne...
Abstract Description: Reproducibility and replicability are critical elements of credible scientific research. Data provenance is an important, but often ne...
Abstract Description: Reproducibility and replicability are critical elements of credible scientific research. Data provenance is an important, but often ne...
Abstract Short talk on failures of reproducibility, proposing a standardized README. The standard template README, proposed by the Social Science Data Edito...
Abstract The AEA Data editor, Lars Vilhuber, was interviewed by Leah Boustan of Princeton University. Video recording Video available on the CSWEP resourc...
Abstract Presented as part of RDA17 in the session on “Experiments in Preparing Data for Interchange and Openness”, organized by the IG RDARI. Short talk o...
Abstract Replicability is at the core of the scientific enterprise. In the past 30 years, recurring concerns about the extent of replicability (or lack the...
Abstract Presentation at the Virtual Workshop on “Research with German and Norwegian Register Data on Family Economics” on lessons learned while implementin...
Abstract Tutorial at “Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training (RT2)” organized by BITSS on how to share data in a persistent, reproducible way, w...
Abstract Short talk on the reproducibility, transparency in economic research involving firm (private) data. PDF/PPTX Google Presentation
Abstract Tutorial on reproducible practices, in particular when data are confidential. Can be interactive, with R. Handles acquiring and posting data via an...
Abstract Presentation at the University of Wisconsin - Madison’s Center for Demography of Health and Aging in the context of the Demography Training Seminar...
Abstract Presentation at the NBER conference on “Challenges and Opportunities of Reproducibility when Data are Proprietary” The meeting will be livestreame...
Abstract Presentation in the Statistics Department (Research Colloquium)
Abstract Presentation at the Banco de Portugal Workshop on Reproducibility of Scientific Results.
Abstract Presentation by Lars Vilhuber at ASSA 2022 in the Journal of Econometrics Session: “Econometrics and Data in the 21st Century: Reproducibility and ...
Abstract Presentation by Lars Vilhuber on how the RAs in the LDI Replication Lab are trained.
Abstract Presentation by Lars Vilhuber at SOLE 2022, joint session with Thibaut Lamadon and Felipe Gonçalves. Video recording Video available on the Corne...
Abstract Presentation by Lars Vilhuber on how the RAs in the LDI Replication Lab are trained, at the AEA’s annual CTREE conference.
Abstract Participation by Lars Vilhuber on a panel at the Society for Scholarly Publishing, an annual meeting of publishers and editors of academic journals.
Abstract Some lessons learned for an academic audience.
Abstract Presentation by Lars Vilhuber at WEAI 2022, followed by Panel discussion with Tim Salmon, Editor for “Economic Inquiry”, and Kyrani Reneau, openICP...
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract Research has to be transparent in order to be considered as credible and valid. Reproduction and replication are practices that seek to establish t...
Abstract Presentation by Lars Vilhuber on how best to prepare reproducible and transparent packages when data are confidential. Live slides are available a...
Abstract Variation of the “Lessons learned” talk, given to new World Bank interns.
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract Presentation at the Banco de Portugal Workshop on Reproducibility of Scientific Results. URL for live slides is
Abstract Do you have questions how the data and code availability policy works at the AEA or other journals, or how to prepare a particularly challenging re...
Abstract Do you have questions how the data and code availability policy works at the AEA or other journals, or how to prepare a particularly challenging re...
Abstract Do you have questions how the data and code availability policy works at the AEA or other journals, or how to prepare a particularly challenging re...
Abstract Do you have questions how the data and code availability policy works at the AEA or other journals, or how to prepare a particularly challenging re...
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract Several top journals (including those of the RES) have recently initiated efforts to insure that published empirical results can be replicated. Not...
Abstract Do you have questions how the data and code availability policy works at the AEA or other journals, or how to prepare a particularly challenging re...
Abstract Part of a Symposium on open science in ecoomics (in German).
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract We present a detailed and actionable guide on creating a replication package, relying on our expertise as data editors of leading journals. Thi...
Abstract Miklós Koren and Lars Vilhuber, data editors of the Review of Economic Studies and the American Economic Association Journals require that you shar...
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,800 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,800 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve...
Abstract 9:00 Overview of reproducibility and replicability in economics, including replication packages (presentation) 10:00-10:50 … Let’...
Abstract 9:00 Overview of reproducibility and replicability in economics, including replication packages (presentation) 10:00-10:50 … Let’...
Abstract Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, efficient reproducibility starts at the begin...
Abstract In this second session, data editors describe a few possible steps to self-check replication packages before submitting them to a journal. It is no...
Abstract Questions and Coffee with AEA Data Editor Lars Vilhuber Are you a researcher in the midst of preparing a replication package and are unsure about ...
Abstract The growing focus on archiving and curating research data, along with promoting reproducible research, is highly relevant to our faculty and gradua...
Abstract Questions and Coffee with AEA Data Editor Lars Vilhuber Are you a researcher in the midst of preparing a replication package and are unsure about ...
Joint with Marie Connolly (UQAM and CEA Data Editor) and Sofia Encarnación (Cornell University, Assistant Data Editor, AEA) Abstract A brief overview of re...
Time 2:00pm - 3:30pm Room Wheelock 423 Abstract Reproducibility in Economics: Open Q&A with the American Economic Association’s Data Editor Are you...
Time 4:00pm - 5:30pm Room E51-432 Abstract Reproducibility in Economics: Open Q&A with the American Economic Association’s Data Editor Are you a re...
Abstract The NEEDLS group is co-led by Charissa Jefferson, Labor Economics Librarian, Princeton University Library and Whitney Kramer, ILR Research and Data...
Abstract Cette formation fournira une vue d’ensemble des enjeux en matière de reproductibilité de la recherche et proposera la marche à suivre pour réaliser...
Abstract This training will provide an overview of issues related to research reproducibility and will propose the steps to follow to carry out a replicable...
Preliminary! The session still needs to be confirmed. Details to follow. Abstract Session 1: “Reproducibility from Day 1” [May 31] Link to session Journ...
Abstract Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, efficient reproducibility starts at the begin...
Abstract Session 1: “Reproducibility from Day 1” Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, effi...
Abstract Session 1: “Reproducibility from Day 1” Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, effi...
Abstract Several top journals have recently initiated efforts to insure that published empirical results can be replicated. The panel will discuss fundamen...
Abstract The LDI Replication Lab verifies computational reproducibility of papers appearing in AEA journals with undergraduate students, who experience hand...
Time 5:30pm - 6:30pm Room 310 Abstract Meet w/ Lars Vilhuber (AEA), Joan Llull (Econometrica) & Farasat Bokhari (Economic Inquiry, WEAI) to learn &a...
Time 1:00pm - 2:30pm Room “National Harbor 1” Abstract Open Q&A with the American Economic Association’s Data Editor Are you a researcher in the mi...
Abstract Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, efficient reproducibility starts at the begin...
Abstract Data editors describe possible steps to self-check replication packages before submitting them to a journal. It is not meant to be exhaustive, and ...